Elm Organics being Climate Neutral means that we take responsibility for the products we produce. You as a customer can therefore be confident that products from Elm are climate compensated. We take your health and the planet's health seriously.

Rio Anapu-Pacaja Forest Protection
Why have we chosen this project?
If the world is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, deforestation must stop! The Amazon rainforest, considered by many to be one of the planet’s most important ecosystems, is home to about a third of the world’s known plant, animal and insect species, and more than 47 million people, of whom over 2 million are indigenous. Although the rainforest is crucial for supporting an extraordinary diversity of wildlife and absorbing greenhouse gases, an area the size of Qatar was deforested between 2021 and 2022.
Now there is an urgent need to protect the Earth's largest nature reserve and largest tropical rainforest - both for the future of the planet and for those who call it home today.
What happens to the Amazon in the next 10 years will have decisive consequences for the future of the planet.

About the project
The Rio Anapu-Pacaja Forest Protection Project is located in northwest Brazil and aims to conserve 165,707 hectares of the Brazilian Amazon. Around 50% of the population in this region are rural communities that have historically relied on agriculture and logging for their survival.
In recent years, the forest has become increasingly degraded due to unplanned logging, with high levels of land grabbing and land conflicts putting increased pressure on the original forest dwellers.
With the goal of strengthening local governance and putting an end to illegal logging in the region, the project has worked closely with the local Riverine people and traditional villagers in the project area to obtain their land rights documents and ultimately full ownership.

To date, the project has supported 127 local families in obtaining legal documents for land rights, strengthening their ability to conserve their Amazonian territory. The project contributes to landscape conservation through sustainable forestry and enhances local economic development by providing training in new sources of income, such as beekeeping. Additional activities in which local residents participate include land and biodiversity monitoring.
All of these activities have one goal: to preserve the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, which in turn reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with deforestation, protects invaluable biodiversity, and preserves the livelihoods and cultural heritage of indigenous communities who call it home.
It means a lot to us to protect the planet we have. We are proud that Elm Organics is now Climate Neutral Certified. Linn and Sine